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Big Foot Clown Alley's goal is to perpetuate professionalism, education, and fun in the art of clowning.  

The alley is a non-profit organization.


Big Foot Clown Alley Ethics Policy

I will remember that when people see me in costume and make-up, that they are seeing ALL clowns.
When in or out of make-up and costume I will conduct myself in a gentleman/ladylike manner.
I will keep my acts, performance and behavior in good taste while I am in costume and make-up.  I will remember that clowns entertain others by making fun of himself and not at the expense or embarrassment of others.
I will learn to apply make-up in a professional manner.  I will maintain the highest  standards of make-up, costuming, properties, and comedy as a Big Foot Alley member.
I will abstain from alcoholic beverages or smoking before and during participation in any public appearance.
I will support my fellow clowns in their clowning endeavors.
I will continue to further my education.
I will fulfill my commitments on time.
As an active member of Big Foot Clown Alley, I will fulfill the requirements of an active member, and take part in the role of officer or chairman, as I am able to do so.
I will respect all people and their opinions, even if I disagree with that opinion.  I will not make derogatory comments regarding other clowns, individuals or organizations.


The alley will encourage you to refine your clown skills, and share your abilities.  




Desiring to become a member of the "alley" requires payment of annual dues,
COAI membership and participation in at least 3 of the selected alley events for the "Alley" year.

Attendance of at least 6 alley meetings per year.  Dues are $20.00 regular member, $12.00 additional family members and Senior members (over 65).  Our year is October thru September.  
A prospective member should visit three meetings, the third time in "performance".  This allows the membership to give constructive critique on your makeup and clown costume as many of our new members are also new clowns.


President:             Melon-E

Vice President:     Annyday

Secretary:            Pencil Pusher

Treasurer:            Lil'Britches

Past President:     Punkin

Webmaster:         Teeny

Visit our Facebook page at BigFootClownAlley

Big Foot Clown Alley is affiliated with World Clown Association and Clowns of America International as Life Time members.

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